Councillor report

Green councillors’ report for August 2024

For the period 1-16 August

Introduction from From Susan Rae and Chas Booth (Green Group Co-Conveners)

The newly shuffled Green Team have had little time post-recess to ‘ease’ into their new roles, but rather have moved straight into ensuring we have one eye on our manifesto goals whilst balancing the day-to-day issues faced by any capital city. Thankfully, the transition from the previous Co-Co team of Councillors Mumford and Parker to the Booth and Rae pair has been made as smooth as possible by the stellar work of Alys and Ben. We hope that we can live up to them!

Councillor highlights from the month

Asked to pick one highlight from the month, our councillors said:

Alys Mumford

Alys has been meeting with lots of local groups in Portobello and Craigmillar to talk about how the council can support the amazing work they are doing; it’s been lovely to have a chance over recess to meet with people who really care about their community and are pouring their love and energy into improving it.

Ben Parker

Ben has been supporting residents in the Braid Estate, including parent councils in the area, to understand more about the next stages for the implementation of the Council’s disastrous decision to remove the safe walking, wheeling and cycling route in the area. Whilst we lost the initial decision on the route, Ben is working hard to mitigate the impacts.

Susan Rae

Susan has been spending time adjusting to her new role, whilst working on longer term plans for the group. She is in the end stage of complex ward work that’s proved both lengthy and difficult at Montgomery Street Park, the Brunswick area and Leith Depot. Susan was also very happy to speak at the Leith Rally for Palestine and continues to work with Living Rent and the Campaign for Consumption Rooms.

Jule Bandel

Jule went on a walkabout around the House O’ Hill area with transport officers, residents and ward colleagues to figure out actions to stop the chaotic and dangerous car parking in the neighbourhood and ensure road safety.

Kayleigh O’Neill

Kayleigh has been getting to grips with the Transport & Environment brief which will be an exciting one for the next year. On the agenda we have future tram links, road safety, active travel, banning weedkiller and so much more.

Steve Burgess

Steve joined Culture & Communities Committee this month and secured a report back in December progressing work to transforming former bowling greens into community greenspaces.

Claire Miller

During council recess Claire has taken the opportunity to visit and meet people and organisations around the city centre ward, such as catching up with Street Assist to talk about finding space to base their operations and a visit to the Tron Kirk to meet with local independent traders and discuss improvements to their building and streetscape.

Alex Staniforth

Alongside working on casework in his ward, Alex has been preparing for a large Policy & Sustainability Committee and as new finance spokesperson is looking forward to getting into the budget.

Chas Booth

Prior to recess, Chas received a demonstration from council officers on a new council app which is in development, and pressed for public consultation on what functions the app should fulfil. Since recess, he has been getting to grips with his new climate portfolio.

Dan Heap

Dan has been continuing work on a city-wide Firework Control Zone, winning the support of Blue Cross, PDSA and other charities representing animals, people with experience of war, and other vulnerable people. He also won support for the council to examine how the Leith Decides model of participatory budgeting can be rolled-out across the city.

Committee activity and other things to look ok out for in the coming month

Housing, Homelessness & Fair work

Ben is hitting the ground running having taken on the housing portfolio from Susan and building on her work to support co-operatives by bringing forward a motion to the next Housing, Homelessness & Fair Work committee looking at how the Council can support expansion of the student housing co-operative.

He is also excited to review a report looking at opportunities for nature on council housing estates following his motion about this last year.

Education, Children & Families

About half of the council’s budget is spent on education and children’s services, so with the budget coming under sustained pressure, councillors will be asked to approve cuts that are likely to be unpopular.

Green councillors will be particularly keen to ensure any cuts won’t negatively impact those in need and existing educational initiatives on the climate emergency.

Transport & Environment

Kayleigh and Chas are working together to ensure active travel, sustainability, accessibility and fairness is always at the top of the agenda.

We always stand up for pedestrians and reinforce the transport hierarchy which should help us towards our net-zero goals and firm Edinburgh as a safer, greener and more equal city.


Now that the City Plan 2030 is waiting for Scottish Government approval, Council work begins on City Plan 2040 (yes, really!), so Greens will be working hard to amplify community participation in the plans.