Councillor report

Green councillors’ report January 2020

Highlights from your Green group of councillors: council, committee and ward news

Susan Rae

Susan Rae has begun work on the Bingham Cup bid steering group to bring the biggest LGBT+ inclusive rugby tournament to Edinburgh.

Locally, Susan is in talks for the next tranche of Leith Chooses after a very successful session, the results of which will be announced on February 18th.

Gavin Corbett

For Gavin Corbett in Fountainbridge-Craiglockhart, January started much as 2019 ended, leading a community clear up of the Caledonian Railway Path. Gavin has also been busy on canal matters, following up on the regrettable decision to allows 5 “boatels” outside Boroughmuir High School but, on a more positive note, sharing lots of sightings of an otter and her cubs on the canal and Water of Leith.

Council-wide, Gavin Corbett has been mainly working on the Green Group’s climate emergency budget proposals, as well as developing plans for a community share issue on public building solar panels as part of his role as a board member of Edinburgh Solar Co-op.

Claire Miller

At committee, Claire Miller scrutinised the draft “City Mobility Plan” and voted in favour of public consultation during February and March. Claire will be supporting members to submit feedback about this important set of proposals on how we move around the city, and how goods and services will be transported too. Look out for more information from Claire via her social media channels during February and March: Twitter | Facebook| YouTube

In the city centre ward, Claire chaired the Dumbiedykes Residents’ Association AGM and helped a new committee to take over the important work of representing the only inner-city housing scheme in Edinburgh. If you live in the Dumbiedykes estate, there are lots of community events and projects happening which need active volunteers and organisers – be sure to get in touch with Claire to find out about how you can become actively involved.

Mary Campbell

In her role on COSLA Mary Campbell has been discussing the upcoming Scottish budget with Green MSPs and COSLA officers to make sure all the groups involved are linked well and understand what is happening with the budget negotiations.

In Portobello/Craigmillar, Mary has been organising a couple of clean ups to clear back a cycle and walking path in Portobello, and supporting local parent councils to try and gain improvements to their routes to school.

Alex Staniforth

At full council, Alex Staniforth successfully put forward a motion (despite Conservative opposition) to ensure that partners in the Edinburgh Guarantee (which gives work placements to young adults) behave in an ethical manner after questions were asked about a partner’s potential involvement in the Yemen war.

Locally, Alex continues to push for better traffic solutions in Holyrood Park which would put pedestrians and cyclists first.

Melanie Main

At full council, Melanie Main received unanimous support for her motion improving and updating recycling services in Edinburgh’s schools.

Melanie has also been supporting locals and the community council to get Signature pubs to meet their legal obligations to keep a right of way open, and meet their planning application conditions including those relating to road and pedestrian safety.

Chas Booth

Chas Booth asked questions in full council pressing for greater inclusion of Gaelic in city signs and about the risk of increased rent arrears owing to the rollout of Universal Credit.

Steve Burgess

Steve Burgess has been working on the licensing board to ensure sensible policy with regard to alcohol sales during special events and has been continuing to push for Lothian Pension Fund to divest from fossil fuel investments.