This is the monthly meeting of the Edinburgh Greens branch committee. Non-committee members are welcome to attend as observers.
Scottish National Demo - Edinburgh Gaza Genocide Emergency Committee.
15 of Europe’s autonomy and independence movements come together in Edinburgh to map out a future for Europe based on decentralisation and greater democracy.
Each month, members can join Edinburgh Green Councillors on Zoom to talk about issues coming up at Edinburgh Council, topical news, political shenanigans and anything else that’s on your mind.
The monthly meeting of the West Edinburgh team covers Almond, Drum Brae/Gyle and Corstorphine/Murrayfield council wards. We also welcome Pentland/Ratho ward members.
The monthly meeting of the South East Edinburgh sub-branch, covering Southside/Newington and Liberton/Gilmerton wards.
Meeting of South Edinburgh Greens sub-branch. All members and supporters are welcome.
Consultation on fisheries management options for 20 protected areas in Scotland's offshore marine region. Deadline for feedback is 14 October.
Monthly team meeting of the North Edinburgh & Leith sub-branch, for members and supporters living in Leith, Leith Walk and Forth wards.
Join us to to hear from Ruth Kinna, Professor of Political Theory at Loughborough University about the history of anarchism, how is fits in electoral politics and much more in the first of our new series, 'Green Talks'.
SWEG are holding their online annual general meeting, where members will form a new committee for the year ahead and discuss our plans for the area.
East Edinburgh Greens meet around six times a year alternately in Portobello-Craigmillar and Craigentinny-Duddingston wards.
Consultation on the technical, commercial and wider policy implications of improvements to building regulations in the context of broader action by the Scottish Government on climate change. Deadline: 23 October 2024
Open meeting: discussions on Taking Action for Palestine.
Palestinian food, embroidery and crafts for sale. Stalls/activities: Medical Aid for Palestine, bric-a-brac, books, stall, calligraphy, henna, auction, plants, coffee/tea and home baking.
Israeli Committee Against Housing Demolitions Conference. Focusing on the Big Picture: Where Are We Headed in Palestine/Israel?
Part of the Critical Mass movement, Edinburgh cyclists bike together in solidarity every last Saturday of the month, meeting at 2pm on Middle Meadow Walk.
Join NEL Greens every fourth Monday of the month for a social meeting with other members! Board games, sewing courses, book club or just a visit to the pub.