Help raise money for Edinburgh Greens campaigns by donating a gift or a promise for auction!
You can give your time, your skills, your talents, or even re-gift an unwanted present.
Some ideas… a hand knitted or sewn garment – an educational walk or talk – a work of art or craft – wine, beer, chocolates – painting, decorating or DIY – moving something large or heavy by muscle power, cargo bike or car – teach a skill/give a music lesson.
Note that electronic/electrical goods are not suitable for the auction.
If you would like to donate to Edinburgh Greens’ Auction of Promises, please fill in the form below.
Please donate your promise by 30 November 2024.
The auction will take place on this website over the first fortnight in December.
If you have any queries, please email:
And if you know of other members who might be interested in donating, please send a link to this page to them – thanks!
Thank you!
Donate your promise!
View the terms and conditions of taking part here
We will not share your name or email address with anyone outside Scottish Greens without your consent.
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