Members of Edinburgh Green Party have been balloted over the summer to select Green candidates for 11 of the 17 wards in the City of Edinburgh Council area.
The list of the 11 successful candidates (5 women and 6 men) selected is below. The final 6 candidates, to make up 17 wards in total, will be announced in a few months time.
Southside–Newington: Cllr Steve Burgess
Meadows-Morningside: Cllr Melanie Main
Leith: Cllr Chas Booth
Inverleith: Cllr Nigel Bagshaw
Fountainbridge-Craiglockhart: Cllr Gavin Corbett
Leith Walk: Susan Rae
City Centre: Claire Miller
Forth: Ally Broughton
Sighthill-Gorgie: Dan Heap
Craigentinny-Duddingston: Alex Staniforth
Portobello-Craigmillar: Mary Campbell