Sophie Brodie was the Green candidate for Armadale and Blackridge in the 2022 Council Elections.
Sophie was born and raised in West Lothian, and now works as a Graduate Officer within the Council, helping to develop the Community Wealth Building approach.
In 2021, she was elected as Membership Secretary for the Scottish Young Greens, and External Communications Officer for the Scottish Greens Women’s Network.
In her spare time she volunteers as a social media helper for two Multiple Sclerosis organisations, since being diagnosed with MS in 2019. She also enjoys learning an teaching music.
Sophie cares deeply about community engagement, equal representation, social inclusion, and accessibility. As a young, disabled woman, she believes that intersectionality is key to effective political representation and decision making.
Sophie is enthusiastic, committed, and believes Green voices are essential in shaping the best possible future for West Lothian.
Email: westlothian@scottishgreens.org.uk
Facebook: @SophieBrodieSGP
Instagram: @SophieBrodieSGP
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