£30 million of cuts, a growing homelessness crisis, chaos in health and social care, and we’re still stuck with a Labour-led administration bereft of ideas.
Tag: Finance and budget
It’s budget time again at Edinburgh Council. Alys Mumford lays out the spending priorities Greens will be advocating for.
A chance to make local taxes fairer
Council Tax may not be a just system of local taxation but the Scottish Government consultation gives us an opportunity to make it fairer and increase money for public services, argues Green Cllr Alys Mumford
Putting power in the hands of the people
Cllr Jule Bandel explains why and how we can make better decisions with participatory budgeting.
Cllr Claire Miller is pushing back against proposals which could put people at serious risk of ill health.
The SNP/Green Council Budget explained
Cllr Alex Staniforth clarifies five of the key lines in the budget proposal.
More than £1 million on climate measures, £500,000 on public toilets and £100,000 on increased park lighting included in proposals for the Council’s budget.
Good budget choices require bold leadership and the redistribution of wealth, argues Green councillor Alys Mumford
Stepping up to the mark for the city
Greens are making a big difference in government. We want to do the same for our city, says Lorna Slater
Public toilets have more than shown their worth over the last two years, and the city’s trees need more attention to fight ash-dieback – Alex Staniforth gives a taste of a Green budget.
Participatory budgeting – next steps
Let’s not lose sight of people power over public budgets, says Chas Booth
Budgeting for a Green Recovery
In the most challenging of times, tackling COVID-19, poverty and the climate emergency calls for a bold city budget for a Green Recovery, says Gavin Corbett
Edinburgh’s declaration of a climate emergency must be backed by a climate budget. That is according to the city’s eight Green councillors as they publish proposals for the council’s budget meeting this week.
New schools, homelessness, care for older people and tackling the climate emergency should be Edinburgh’s budget priorities, according to Green councillors.
Green councillors in Edinburgh have urged the Scottish Government to deliver a fair funding settlement for the Capital.
Green councillor Gavin Corbett has responded to a proposed £41m package of budget cuts for Edinburgh next year.
Green councillors have hit out at the provisional budget settlement for Edinburgh which leaves the city facing a £39m budget hole for 2019-20.
Green councillors have claimed a “trust gulf” remains between school communities in Edinburgh affected by a buildings fiasco in 2016 and the private company in charge of the schools.
The Scottish Greens say tonight’s vote in Parliament by SNP and Tory MSPs to duck reform of the unfair, outdated Council Tax means households and communities will continue to pay the price.
The Scottish Greens are leading the change in Scottish politics, according to party co-convener Patrick Harvie.
The capital we deserve
Green MSP Andy Wightman argues that Edinburgh needs greater powers if it is to rise to the expectations of residents.
School conditions: after the storm
Urgent answers are needed to the latest Edinburgh school repair fiasco, says Green candidate Andy Wightman.
Standing firm on no compulsory redundancies
Gavin Corbett says the council should stand firm on its No Compulsory Redundancies pledge.