General enquiries
For general enquires about Edinburgh Greens please e-mail
If you’re a member and are not receiving communications from us, email
Edinburgh Greens is run by volunteers, so it may take a few days to receive a reply. We thank you for your patience.
You can phone the Scottish Green Party national office on 08700 772 207 during office hours.
Social media
Find Edinburgh Greens on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
Edinburgh Greens hold monthly meetings for members and supporters which are listed in our Events Calendar; and regular local team meetings are also listed. If your local area is not covered or you want to find out more, email
Media enquires
We respond to all potential news items in the Edinburgh area – email
Our contact sheet lists key spokespeople and phone numbers.
Elected representatives
Contact details and information about Edinburgh’s Green representatives are here:
Email to contact us about this website.