Lothian Young Greens (LYG) are the youth wing of the Scottish Green Party in Edinburgh and Lothians. We are represented on the Edinburgh Green Party committee, but remain a self-organising group with our own meetings, elected officials, and campaigns.
We want to make Green politics more accessible to young people, facilitate their political development, campaign on issues important to them and provide a space to socialise and discuss Green politics with like-minded people.
Who can join?
We welcome anyone living in Edinburgh and Lothians up to the age of 30 as well as university students of any age. You don’t have to be a member of the Scottish Green Party to participate in our events as long as you’d be eligible to join it (i.e. you’re not a member of any other political party other than a Green party).
How can I get involved?
LYG regularly hosts formal and social events. Recent events have included joining the climate march at COP26, a crafitivsm session, discussing rent controls with Living Rent, talks with local elected representatives, pub nights, and campaigning for Green candidates during the Scottish Parliament and council elections.
Be sure sure to follow us on social media for the latest updates!
Where can I find out more?
LYG maintain a social media presence on Instagram and Threads. For regular updates on events, campaigns, and meetings please follow us:
- Instagram: @lothianyounggreens
- Threads: @lothianyounggreens
For wider activities across Scotland, check out Scottish Young Greens, and there’s info about Edinburgh University Greens here.
If you would like to get involved or have any questions you can contact us at lothian.young.greens@scottishgreens.org.uk
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