Edinburgh Greens are active all year round, working to support our party’s commitment to social, economic and environmental justice. We can only do this with the help of our volunteers – members and non-members alike – who give their time so generously.
Whether it’s planning events or fundraising, stuffing envelopes or delivering leaflets, telephone canvassing or helping on street stalls, admin and data management, supporting Green social media or lending your photography skills – we’d love to have your active support!
How to get active
Your local Greens
If you haven’t contacted your local Green team yet, this is a good place to start. Go to your local Green team meetings, or get advice on Green action happening in your local area.
Working groups
Any party member can join one of the branch working groups, which are convened by different committee members. The working groups are:
- Membership & Local teams: looking at ways of engaging our current membership by working with local teams, inspiring members to get active locally/branch-wide
- Communications: helping to organise all aspects of the branch communications, internal and external: social media, print publications (Green News), videos, photography and graphics and more
- Events & Fundraising: helping to run events and fundraising activities, both at the local team and branch-wide level
- Policy & Campaigns: liaising with the councillor and MSP group, coordinating local campaigns, and in election years leading on the manifesto and campaign.
Contact edinburgh@scottishgreens.org.uk to get involved in any of these or with queries.
Join us!
Not a member of the Scottish Green Party yet? Join us today to be part of the movement that will change Scotland.
Current opportunities
You can search current volunteering opportunities below. If you have a particular skill that you’d like offer, that’s not listed, please do email edinburgh@scottishgreens.org.uk