The Scottish Government is seeking your views on the proposed legislation protect people from the harm of conversion practices which a promoted within an ideology that views LGBTQI+ identities as wrong and believes that they can be changed. The deadline for responses is 2 April 2024.
Beavers are a unique and important keystone species, having a great impact on the ecosystem. International Beaver Day was created in 2009 by Beavers Wetlands & Wildlife.
The monthly meeting of the West Edinburgh team covers Almond, Drum Brae/Gyle and Corstorphine/Murrayfield council wards. We also welcome Pentland/Ratho ward members.
The 11th Scottish Greens' Update Session is with Patrick Harvie MSP on the recent UK Climate Change Committee report on Scotland's climate change targets.
By better protecting, respecting and championing the rights of people with learning disabilities and neurodivergent people, all of Scotland can benefit. This consultation on seeks the views of everyone on how we can do this. Deadline for responses is 21 April 2024.
Join NEL Greens every fourth Monday of the month for a social meeting with other members! Board games, sewing courses, book club or just a visit to the pub.
This evening offers an insight into the work of Simon Fildes, a Scottish filmmaker of international repute who died in 2021. Simon was an active Edinburgh Greens member.
This consultation seeks your views on the Scottish Government's draft plan for adapting to climate change (Scottish National Adaptation Plan 2024-29). Deadline for feedback is the 24 April 2024.
Is there a way we can halt or reverse insect decline just by being active in our own city? Join us to hear about urban nature networks - green highways for insects and other wildlife - and how we can individually help create them.
Part of the Critical Mass movement, Edinburgh cyclists bike together in solidarity every last Saturday of the month, meeting at 2pm on Middle Meadow Walk.
Join the South East Edinburgh Greens for our first ever seed ball workshop and take part in an exciting opportunity to help improve wildlife in our nature depleted urban environment.
Why is Scotland still in breach of the UN Aarhus Convention’s access to justice requirements? Join Environmental Rights Centre for Scotland and campaigners over lunch to find out more.
Edinburgh Council wants inclusion to lie at the heart of all its learning establishments - irrespective of identity, background or ability. Deadline for feedback on how to achieve this vision: 5 May 2024.